Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10.07.13 | Week 26 | Homestead Zone

Hello Fam!

Once again, I am so happy to be talking with you! I cant wait every single weekend to tell you about all the amazing things and miracles that we saw here in the Florida Fort Lauderdale mission! Also, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the package that you sent me:) It was hard waiting for it, but once it got here it was like christmas! Every single one of us in the apartment got a package from our mamas that day. So it was extra good:) I loved everything you included in the package. I told Sister Daines, "My family is way too good to me." We have been using the diffuser at night, and I loved the emails included from my friends on their missions. Its always such a fun thing to see how everyone is doing. The best part of the whole package was though...The picture of Zack and Kaisa!!! I can't tell you how excited I was to recieve that!! Ah! i am still waiting on a letter about the story....ZACK!;)

Well. As you know, General Conference, was AMAZING! It was so fun to be able to be here on the mission and watch it. On saturday, we went up to the church and watched the first session, then we came back down and watched the second part with Sister Baker on her Ipad. Then sunday, we went up to the church and watched it. Our new investigator Pauline made it to the first session which I will explain more about her in my email to president. We didn't have our baptisms this week:( The two girls mom doesnt want them to rush this decision to be we are still working on that. We are going to start teaching the mother to get her to make this decision with the girls, which will in turn be way better for all of them:)

I don't have too much time on the computer but I wanted to share a couple of my favorite quotes from Conference:)

"Faith is always pointing to the future" -Edward Dube
"The man without hearing or sight responds with..."Heavenly Father has been so good to me" -Thomas S. Monson
"The stronger the wind, the stroner the trees." -Thomsas S. Monson
"Don't forget to look up" -Adrian Ochoa
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Gospel of Change." -Rusell M. Nelson
"Doubt your Doubts before you doubt your faith." -Deiter F. Uchtdorf

I loved conference so much. The best part of it though was thinking, my family is watching this at the same time! So awesome:) Also the Daniels family made it! And Herbert and his son went to the priesthood session. How solid are they?:) I love them so much. I can't wait to give him dads letter. He is going to love that.

I love you all so much! i hope you all have an amazing week and know I love you!

Sister Rogers

*heres Kaceys letter to her mission president

President Anderson,

It has been such an amazing weekend, being able to hear the words of the Apostles, and also the Prophet. As a missionary, that is truly one of the greatest experiences. I had the chance to think of some questions before Conference, on what I need guidance and help with. I enojyed the talks, and wrote down all the words that I felt prompted to write down. Just today in personal study, I was able to go over the questions that I had writen down, I went through the conference talks, and I couldn't believe the answers that were in those talks directly to my questions. My heart is full of gratitude for the guidance we recieve from the Prophet and his Apostles, and the revelation that they recieve from our Heavenly Father for us.

We had an amazing experience with an MTC referal we had recieved this week. In the text it said this lady was in need of a Book of Mormon and wanted to go to General Conference. We couldn't have been more excited to contact her. Especially because about 2 minutes after we recieved this refereal, we recieved a call from the mission office telling us to call her right away! We did just that. We ended up going over to her house just that night. She explained that she had seen the missionaries on bikes, and also a member at her church was at her brothers house one night in Orlando. Her desires to know what they were all about grew, but she didn't do anything about it. She continued to see comercials about The Book of Mormon on TV, and wanted to know more about it. Until one day, she decided to call the number on the commerical. That's where we come it. Here we were sitting in her home, teaching her of the restored Gospel, all because of the promptings she followed. She accepted Baptism and made it to sunday morning conference session! I know that as my companion and I worked hard and were Diligent, we recieved an amazing new investigator. Not the way we expected, instantly. But on the Lords timing. I have such a testimony that Heavenly Father will bless you for your hard work.

What an amazing weekend it was! My testimony of this Gospel grows daily!

Sister Rogers

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